“The Summer Capital of the Philippines”

28 Nov

Baguio city is a big city in the Northern region of the Philippines. Based on reports, the city has 130 barangays, which include the Session Road area, the barangay that is very popular for bars, restaurants and other business establishments that attract tourists and travelers to the area. Aside from the Session Road area, Mines View Park, Camp John Hay and Burnham Park are the other tourist attractions in the area.Many people visit this city every summer because of its cold weather and attractive tourist spots. Based on the history of the city, it is the Americans, which recognized Baguio as one of the Philippine cities on June 1, 1903 at Kafagway.

Burnham Park
-Burnham Park is the very heart of Baguio City in the Philippines. It is located at the most valuable piece of Baguio real estate and is free for the enjoyment of visitors and residents alike



Camp John Hay

-Baguio City’s most popular attraction is so beautiful and a destination in itself. After all, for almost the whole 20th century it is what made Baguio City “Little America” in the Philippines



Mines View Park

-Located at the extreme northeast side of the city, past The Mansion and Wright Park, Mines View Park boasts of a spectacular view of Benguet’s gold and copper mines and the Cordillera mountains.Image


Session Road

-The main avenue of Baguio City and its commercial center, with quaint shops lining each side, Session Road is the most popular road in the City of Pines.



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