Simply Me :)

28 Nov

Hi there! I am Edward Emil V. Palor. I was born on August 27, 1996 at the Baguio General Hospital. I am now 15 yrs. old but others say that I already an adult because of my physical appearance, haha just kidding 😀 .. I live at The summer capital of the Philippines also known as Baguio city. I started studying at Phases Learning Center unti grade 6 Then I started studying at SLU-LHS when I was a freshmen. I am now a junior student of SLU-LHS.

I love doing things such as:

  1. eating
  2. sleeping
  3. listening to music
  4. playing basketball
  5. watching movies
  6. strolling with my friends
  7. shopping
  8. travelling
  9. playing “DOTA”! (Defense Of The Ancients) 😛
My motto in life is “Education is the key to success”… 🙂
I am also a nice guy with a good sense of humor. I also believe in the saying that “True love waits” so I will wait. I also plan to take up the course Culinary arts but no budget so I plan to earn and save money but it is a very hard thing to do maybe I will just take up a course which can suit our family’s budget. I will study hard to finish my studies so I will have good future life according to my parents.


ketchup k ba?
kasi lagi ka hanap ng hotdog ko eh………… XD 
…That’s all folks! .. Know you know me .. 🙂

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